For six-figure online entrepreneurs looking to build legacy-level, long-term wealth:

Create a personalized wealth system that funds your fulfilled life with ease & flow.

The Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint is an exclusive wealth coaching experience for six-figure coaches, consultants, course creators and service providers ready to transform business profits into an abundant life of wealth and purpose.

Create a personalized wealth system that funds your fulfilled life with ease & flow.

The Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint is an exclusive wealth coaching experience for six-figure coaches, consultants, course creators and service providers ready to transform business profits into an abundant life of wealth and purpose.

You’ve built your business but you know you could be doing more with the money you’re making to create long-term financial freedom.

You did the programs. You joined the masterminds. You worked hard. You hustled. You sacrificed time, money, energy, and sanity.

And you made it. You reached your first (or multiple) six-figures … maybe even your first million.

It seems though that none of the strategies you followed to earn the money… show you anything about how to KEEP and GROW it!

No one told you that managing the money you earn would be a whole new skillset!

Figuring out how to build and protect your wealth is confusing, overwhelming and not your zone of genius.

It’s not your fault.

So much of the online entrepreneur world is focused on generating revenue but not so much on what to do with that revenue after you’ve made it. And, harsh truth - many of these people never quite figured it out and ended up back in debt again.

It can be overwhelming …

Figuring out which investments are safe and lucrative without getting scammed

Navigating the tax code so you’re not paying more to Uncle Sam than necessary

Balancing spending for your immediate goals yet saving for future goals

Explaining your business structure to a traditional financial advisor

Knowing where all the revenue made is actually going

Running your business, finding time to enjoy your life and adulting with your money

Many entrepreneurs reach multiple six-figures in their business on pure heart and hustle…

but they don't have that big picture wealth-building strategy in place to translate their business profits into seven-figures of personal financial success.

but they don't have that big picture wealth-building strategy in place to translate their business profits into seven-figures of personal financial success.

(and without that big picture blueprint, it’s natural to wonder when the hustle is going to pay off into a life of fulfillment, ease and flow where your money is working harder for you, than you are for your money.)

But don’t lose hope. You have what it takes to build wealth in a way that feels good to you and allows you to fund your version of a Wealthy and Fulfilled™ life.

You just need some guidance.

You’ve got this. Let me show you how.

Let’s take a ride on the Keepin It Real Bus real quick …

Yay! You’re making money in your biz and movin' on up like George & Weezy. Now you're ready for your money to start working for you, but ...

  • You’re hustling like crazy in your business and yet you’re still not feeling any richer in your life

  • You’ve tried 729 financial apps. You get off to a good start - but it doesn’t stick. You lose motivation and get stuck!

  • You’ve read the blogs, signed up for the challenges and even bought a course or two on personal finance but you feel more confused than ever, trying to piece together how to invest, save and protect your money on your own, with no help

  • You know you need some help managing the money you’re making but you want someone who will balance future planning and enjoying life now (after all, you don't want to feel like you can’t rock the latest Louis V if you want to hit your goals)

  • You’re feeling ashamed, embarrassed or guilty that your personal finances don’t match the success in your business

  • You’re tired of still having “get finances in order” on your to-do list

  • You’re secretly worried that your success won’t last so you keep everything in savings … just in case

  • You wish someone would just take you by the hand and guide you through each step in order, and that you had a way you could just ask questions about money when you need to.

If any of these statements have you thinking

If any of these statements have you thinking

“How the heck are you reading my mind??!”

then keep reading - you’re in the right place, my friend. 😊

Just picture what you’re going to feel like once you’ve learned to make your money and your mindset work for you …


  • Know exactly the type of lifestyle you want and how much to fund it

  • Feel excitement, not dread, when logging into your business and personal bank accounts

  • Never have FOMO about the shiny new investment strategy of the day or fear of getting scammed

  • Understand financial terms like the boss you are without feeling like a fraud

  • Have your vision board come to life with ease and flow

  • Are the example in your family, among your friends and in your community of building generational wealth

  • Take that big vacation without it following you back home

  • Write tithe and donation checks that equal what you used to make per month

  • Hire the next team member to expand your business without sacrificing your paycheck

  • Speaking ofactually receive regular paychecks from your business!

All of this is possible for you when you apply the strategies inside The Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint.

Just picture what you’re going to feel like when…

You’ve built a personal wealth system that keeps your money working long after it's made.


  • Know exactly the type of lifestyle you want and how much to fund it

  • Feel excitement, not dread, when logging into your business and personal bank accounts

  • Never have FOMO about the shiny new investment strategy of the day or fear of getting scammed

  • Understand financial terms like the boss you are without feeling like a fraud

  • Have your vision board come to life with ease and flow

  • Are the example in your family, among your friends and in your community of building generational wealth

  • Take that big vacation without it following you back home

  • Write tithe and donation checks that equal what you used to make per month

  • Hire the next team member to expand your business without sacrificing your paycheck

  • Speaking ofactually receive regular paychecks from your business!

All of this is possible for you when you apply the strategies inside The Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint.

But don’t just take my word for it:

"Portia has such a unique and personal way of approaching finances and wealth-building for entrepreneurs."

Her work of blending the Enneagram with personal finance and mindset is SO important because most people start a business and then have no idea how to allocate their financial resources. I’ve seen so many people start the business, figure out the management side, and then get lost on what to do with it when it's finally made and in their bank account. Portia guides entrepreneurs on how to make the most of their money in a way that works for them, without the guilt, shame or embarrassment that usually surrounds money.


"Portia is able to talk about wealth creation, wise stewardship, and money as a resource in a way that had me giving that ‘church lady amen'"

I’m not a natural numbers girl—learning finances (both for business as an entrepreneur & personal life) has been a test in persistence & patience. Then, Portia takes the stage, starts presenting, and my heart rate hits flutter speed: YES. All the yes. I want what she’s having, please. I checked my mindset at the door & forecasted what’s possible as Portia brilliantly teetered me on the precipice of both contentment & wise management with what I HAVE been blessed with … AND an idea of ‘what if’ and legacy-setting for my children.


"Portia’s approachable manner paired with her years of online business experience and financial expertise take the intimidation factor out of planning for the future."

Finances have always frightened me- I’m usually the type to bury my head in the sand and simply hope for the best… and deal with the consequences later. She helped me see how I don’t have to be a genius Wall Street trader in order to make sure my finances can survive the storms of life. Portia took a subject that has always been scary (and, let’s be honest, shame-inducing for some of us), and she turned it into something palatable, and more importantly, achievable.


You’re ready to take control of your finances and turn your business into a legacy-building machine

but you’ve got a lot of questions!

I know, there can be a lot of questions and confusion if you’re starting to implement financial planning for the first time.

If you don’t have a plan to follow, it can be easy to make some critical mistakes, get off track, and never end up at the finish line [whatever that is for your situation]. Without guidance and support, you will inevitably come up against challenges you didn’t anticipate (but you’re in online business so that’s nothing new to you!)

That’s why I’ve created my personalized, step-by-step wealth coaching experience specifically for online entrepreneurs …


Wealthy & Fulfilled™ Blueprint is a private wealth coaching experience for six-figure entrepreneurs. It’s the ONLY blueprint you need to transform your business profits into legacy-level, long-term wealth.

How it Works:

This is your time to live the exceedingly, abundant life.

Ephesians 3:20

Leveraging my experience and expertise, and your forward momentum, together - we make an incredible team.

Apply now to get an exclusive 1:1 behind-the-scenes tour of the program and personalized wealth game plan.

So much more than just "finances",

here's what they are saying:

"It's important for us to work together and find the plan that works for both of us."

One of the unique things about working with Portia and her financial planning services has been learning about the Enneagram and our numbers and how which helps us understand how we approach life which translates into how we approach money... know that it's going to be a great experience!


"I was blown away by the shame she removed about how we all feel about money ..."

I felt empowered. I felt confident. I felt there was a better way to move forward with my money.


"She came with so much clarity around systems and finances but also where your mind is ... "

She has shed so much new focus on finances and money and how to invest and how to build wealth."


"She simultaneously allowed me to save and invest during this period and increased my net worth by over six-figures ...

She's very gifted with numbers, strategizing and a level of precision that's done with ease and poise and charisma."


Once a part of Wealthy and Fulfilled™ program

you’ll have access to:


I'll guide you through my Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint program covering my 4-prong approach to wealth building and life design. This is exactly how we’re going to ease on down, ease on down the rooooad to creating your personalized wealth system so you can be, do and have whatever you want in life. I’ve designed this private coaching program with both my CFP® and business owner hats on, so you can get the knowledge, confidence and transformation without having to work through yet another course.

Phase 1:

Preparing for Success

Have 100% confidence that you will successfully create your financial transformation.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • Everything you need to have and know to succeed in the program

  • Your definition of a wealthy and fulfilled life

  • Time mapping strategy to easily integrate the program into your life

Phase 2:

Your Financial Fingerprint

Learn how you interact with money so you can leverage your unique personality.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • An understanding of your Enneagram type

  • Knowing how to apply your personality for financial success

  • An outline for discussing finances with your spouse/partner

Phase 3:

Train Your


Create the mindset that allows you to live your version of a wealthy and fulfilled life .

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • Your personalized map for changing your habits

  • An understanding of how your conscious and subconscious mind impact your financial and life success

  • The belief that you can create your reality

Phase 4:

Master Your

Biz Money

Maximize your business cashflow so you are revenue rich AND profitable.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • Your business financials ... tracked

  • Your business revenue ... protected

  • The SOPs necessary to keep everything running smoothly so your business can continue to fund your lifestyle.

Phase 5:

Maximize Your Personal Money

Learn how to track the money as it flows from your business into your personal accounts.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • A cashflow management system

  • Your net worth statement

  • Debt management plan

  • Established savings strategy

  • Your credit maximization plan

Phase 6:

Increase Your Investments

Transform your cash into money-making assets that work harder than you do.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • An understanding of the primary investing strategies

  • Your “retirement” plan mapped out

  • Knowing how to save for college

  • Understanding how fees work

  • A plan to hit your passive income goal

Phase 7:

Protect Your Prosperity

Keep the wealth that you've created through strategic planning and preparation.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • A personalized tax minimization plan

  • A plan to protect your income, your property and yourself from the unknown

Phase 8:

Plan Your


Have your wealth bless others and create financial overflow for generations to come.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • Your generational wealth plan

  • An estate plan so the government stays out of your pocket

  • A charitable giving strategy

  • Knowing when and how to hire your financial team

Phase 9:

Create Your Reality

Work the Biblical laws of abundance to obtain your desires without the struggle.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • A practical guide to mindset and manifestation

  • A step-by-step process to transform your dreams into your reality

  • The tools to program your mind for financial and lifestyle success

Phase 1:

Preparing for Success

Have 100% confidence that you will successfully create your financial transformation.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • Everything you need to have and know to succeed in the program

  • Your definition of a wealthy and fulfilled life

  • Time mapping strategy to easily integrate the program into your life

Phase 2:

Your Financial Fingerprint

Learn how you interact with money so you can leverage your unique personality.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • An understanding of your Enneagram type

  • Knowing how to apply your personality for financial success

  • An outline for discussing finances with your spouse/partner

Phase 3:

Train Your


Create the mindset that allows you to live your version of a wealthy and fulfilled life.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • Your personalized map for changing your habits

  • An understanding of how your conscious and subconscious mind impact your financial and life success

  • The belief that you can create your reality

Phase 4:

Master Your

Biz Money

Maximize your business cashflow so you are revenue rich AND profitable.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • Your business financials ... tracked

  • Your business revenue ... protected

  • The SOPs necessary to keep everything running smoothly so your business can continue to fund your lifestyle.

Phase 5:

Maximize Your Personal Money

Learn how to track the money as it flows from your business into your personal accounts.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • A cashflow management system

  • Your net worth statement

  • Debt management plan

  • Established savings strategy

  • Your credit maximization plan

Phase 6:

Increase Your Investments

Transform your cash into money-making assets that work harder than you do.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • An understanding of the primary investing strategies

  • Your “retirement” plan mapped out

  • Knowing how to save for college

  • Understanding how fees work

  • A plan to hit your passive income goal

Phase 7:

Protect Your Prosperity

Keep the wealth that you've created through strategic planning and preparation.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • A personalized tax minimization plan

  • A plan to protect your income, your property and yourself from the unknown

Phase 8:

Plan Your


Have your wealth bless others and create financial overflow for generations to come.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • Your generational wealth plan

  • An estate plan so the government stays out of your pocket

  • A charitable giving strategy

  • Knowing when and how to hire your financial team

Phase 9:

Create Your Reality

Work the Biblical laws of abundance to obtain your desires without the struggle.

You’ll Walk Away With …

  • A practical guide to mindset and manifestation

  • A step-by-step process to transform your dreams into your reality

  • The tools to program your mind for financial and lifestyle success


Have confidence knowing that your work is being personally and privately reviewed by a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional.

  • Every week you will have the opportunity to submit the key components you create inside the program and get individual, private, pre-recorded feedback on it.

  • I'll review your personal budget, business cash flow, debt management plan, investments, etc so you’re never navigating this journey alone and you can tap into my thousands of hours of financial experience to avoid common pitfalls and fast-track your progress.


You'll be completely supported in your wealth-building journey and never have a question go unanswered with our private coaching calls held every other week.

  • Every other week, we have high level coaching calls together. This is where we will discuss financial strategies, overcome challenges, go deep into developing your Wealthy and Fulfilled mindset and fix any issues in your money plans or lifestyle design.

  • You'll be able to review every call as they are recorded so you can listen at any time.


I’ve also mapped out milestones along the way so you can track your progress, stay encouraged and celebrate your transformation throughout the program … not just at the end.


Say adios to duct-taping together your money system. I’ll give you a template for different areas of your money that work together cohesively to help you reach your goals:


If you have questions or need support in between private sessions, you have unlimited access to me via Voxer (a free walkie-talkie app) and email. This is a great way to get mindset support, more immediate feedback and feel fully supported throughout your entire Wealthy and Fulfilled transformation. You can ask anything, such as ...

  • Handling financial conflict with a spouse or partner

  • Feelings of guilt, shame or embarrassment that might come up during this process

  • What to do if the spending plan goes off track

  • And whatever else might come up!


Meet other legacy-minded coaches, consultants, course creators and service providers in our private Facebook community. This is a safe space to support entrepreneurs who are ready to make their money work for them - just like you!

  • Get support from Portia and our team for feedback

  • Ask questions

  • Celebrate throughout the program


While I’m well-trained, I’d be silly to think that I’m the expert in every. single. area. of wealth building. I want to make sure that you get the best information in every area of your finances, so in addition to learning from me, you’ll also learn from guest experts on topics including …

  • Acquiring rental properties

  • Infinite banking

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Tax minimization and more!


Have confidence knowing that your work is being personally and privately reviewed by a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional.

  • Every week you will have the opportunity to submit the key components you create inside the program and get individual, private, pre-recorded feedback on it.

  • I'll review your personal budget, business cash flow, debt management plan, investments, etc so you’re never navigating this journey alone and you can tap into my thousands of hours of financial experience to avoid common pitfalls and fast-track your progress.


You'll be completely supported in your wealth-building journey and never have a question go unanswered with our private coaching calls held every other week.

  • Every other week, we have high level coaching calls together. This is where we will discuss financial strategies, overcome challenges, go deep into developing your Wealthy and Fulfilled mindset and fix any issues in your money plans or lifestyle design.

  • You'll be able to review every call as they are recorded so you can listen at any time.


I’ve also mapped out milestones along the way so you can track your progress, stay encouraged and celebrate your transformation throughout the program … not just at the end.


Say adios to duct-taping together your money system. I’ll give you a template for different areas of your money that work together cohesively to help you reach your goals:


Meet other legacy-minded coaches, consultants, course creators and service providers in our private Facebook community. This is a safe space to support entrepreneurs who are ready to make their money work for them - just like you!

  • Get support from Portia and our team for feedback

  • Ask questions

  • Celebrate throughout the program


While I’m well-trained, I’d be silly to think that I’m the expert in every. single. area. of wealth building. I want to make sure that you get the best information in every area of your finances, so in addition to learning from me, you’ll also learn from guest experts on topics including …

  • Acquiring rental properties

  • Infinite banking

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Tax minimization and more!


If you have questions or need support in between private sessions, you have unlimited access to me via Voxer (a free walkie-talkie app) and email. This is a great way to get mindset support, more immediate feedback and feel fully supported throughout your entire Wealthy and Fulfilled transformation. You can ask anything, such as ...

  • Handling financial conflict with a spouse or partner

  • Feelings of guilt, shame or embarrassment that might come up during this process

  • What to do if the spending plan goes off track

  • And whatever else might come up!

With me by your side, you’ll level up every part of your life, your money and your mindset.

Join the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint and you’ll get a proven, step-by-step process to getting your financial house in order, securing your legacy, and living a purpose-driven life without confusion, overwhelm, or shame.

And it’s designed by a former rocket scientist (yep, I have a PhD!) that built a multiple 6-figure agency, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional, trusted by Fortune 500 companies and helped hundreds of people live a more Wealthy and Fulfilled™ life so if you’re looking for someone to be on your side that understands your industry, knows the financial stuff AND you can trust?? Look no further my friend.

My talent is creating the systems to build legacy-level, long-term wealth while incorporating your individual personality and providing resources to systemize the manifestation of your money and life goals so you can condense the timeline to actually living your Wealthy and Fulfilled™ life.

Together we’ll navigate your financial path, avoid common pitfalls, and discover your unique method to build wealth in a way that feels good to you.

Apply now to get an exclusive 1:1 behind-the-scenes tour of the program and personalized wealth game plan.

Have fun while learning about wealth,

like Halley, Renee and Julia

"She knows so much information but is able to talk about it and make it super easy to understand."

Portia is my go-to financial coach when it comes to money, hands down. She knows so much information but is able to talk about it and make it super easy to understand. And now that she’s combined the Enneagram with her financial genius, it makes talking with my boyfriend about money so much easier.


"She is so genuine and when it comes to finances, she releases the guilt and shame from "shoulding" on ourselves."

If you're considering working with her, do not hesitate ... definitely do it today.


"I never knew finances could be so much fun!"

Portia takes what is typically a dry, boring topic and turns it into a lighthearted yet productive session that really shows not only her expertise as a financial planner but also her relatability to the specific struggles and challenges that come with being an online business owner. If you’re looking for someone to help you turn your profits into a fab life, then Portia is the woman to work with.



Here are some extra things I do for my clients

Lifestyle Integration Framework

Just like in business, the money is in the follow-up. This additional module will help you easily integrate your new wealth system into your life by helping you map out the routines that will keep you on track for your goals in a way that feels good to you.

Goal Setting Workshop

Learn how to bring your goals to life with ease and flow rather than just setting them and working yourself to the bone to achieve them. We’ll discuss the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ way to get clear on your true desires, not just goals that society and the internets say we should be accomplishing.

How to Create Financial Dashboards

“What gets measured gets improved” and one of the easiest ways to measure your finances is by creating a one-stop shop where you can view your financial progress in one place. I’ll show you how to easily create your own financial dashboard.

Lifestyle Integration Framework

Just like in business, the money is in the follow-up. This additional module will help you easily integrate your new wealth system into your life by helping you map out the routines that will keep you on track for your goals in a way that feels good to you.

Goal Setting Workshop

Learn how to bring your goals to life with ease and flow rather than just setting them and working yourself to the bone to achieve them. We’ll discuss the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ way to get clear on your true desires, not just goals that society and the internets say we should be accomplishing.

How to Create Financial Dashboards

“What gets measured gets improved” and one of the easiest ways to measure your finances is by creating a one-stop shop where you can view your financial progress in one place. I’ll show you how to easily create your own financial dashboard.

Your life before the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint …

  • Mostly focusing on creating money in the present and totally ignoring your long-term legacy because you’re just trying to maintain your success

  • Consistently hustling in your business and not having anything to show for all your hard work

  • Not paying yourself a paycheck and wondering where your revenue actually went

  • Completely overworked and totally burned out which is starting to take its toll on your health and family

  • Making multiple 6-figures but feeling shame around your personal and business debt

  • Late nights on YouTube trying to understand crypto or real estate investing while simultaneously feeling FOMO and “WTF??”

  • Doing all the affirmations, meditations and prayers but still feeling like you’re missing something while everyone else is living the dream

Your life after the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint …

  • Your money growing and multiplying itself while you focus on your business

  • Fresh, renewed vision that excites you again about the course of your business and your life

  • Living the kind of life that is your definition of success

  • Consistent sense of accomplishment and joy as you continue to stick to your personalized wealth plan

  • Effortlessly transforming the items on your vision board into your reality in a way that feels good to you

  • Confidence in understanding all of your financial numbers and feeling equipped to approach each quarter with new confidence and a concrete plan to increase your wealth

  • Thriving financially regardless of what the economy, life or Zuckerberg throws at you

Your life before the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint …

  • Mostly focusing on creating money in the present and totally ignoring your long-term legacy because you’re just trying to maintain your success

  • Consistently hustling in your business and not having anything to show for all your hard work

  • Not paying yourself a paycheck and wondering where your revenue actually went

  • Completely overworked and totally burned out which is starting to take its toll on your health and family

  • Making multiple 6-figures but feeling shame around your personal and business debt

  • Late nights on YouTube trying to understand crypto or real estate investing while simultaneously feeling FOMO and “WTF??”

  • Doing all the affirmations, meditations and prayers but still feeling like you’re missing something while everyone else is living the dream

Your life after the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint …

  • Your money growing and multiplying itself while you focus on your business

  • Fresh, renewed vision that excites you again about the course of your business and your life

  • Living the kind of life that is your definition of success

  • Consistent sense of accomplishment and joy as you continue to stick to your personalized wealth plan

  • Effortlessly transforming the items on your vision board into your reality in a way that feels good to you

  • Confidence in understanding all of your financial numbers and feeling equipped to approach each quarter with new confidence and a concrete plan to increase your wealth

  • Thriving financially regardless of what the economy, life or Zuckerberg throws at you

The Wealthy and Fulfilled Blueprint ...

is a safe and welcoming space.

"I’ve never seen so many financial AHA moments... I watched overwhelm and intimidation melt away as Portia presented with her unique blend of financial wisdom & humour."

Money is a trigger subject for so many people. However, with Portia, those worries just seem to melt away… Portia has the smarts (... she’s actually a Rocket Scientist!), sass, & emotional intelligence to break down a complex subject & create your personalized financial liberation plan for a Wealthy, Fulfilled Life. If you want to feel relaxed, abundant, & safe around your money, I highly recommend that you talk to Portia.


"What is unique about Dr. Jackson is her ability to transform an intimidating topic such as finance, into an exercise of empowerment and inspiration."



You can complete the course lessons from the comfort of your couch or kitchen table, as long as you have an Internet connection! The entire program is completely digital so you can access it from anywhere, at anytime through our private course portal.

And you'll never miss a beat: you can go at your own pace and do the lessons on your schedule. All trainings and calls are recorded for your convenience and you get 6 months of access to the coaching and unlimited access to the materials.

You can complete the course lessons from the comfort of your couch or kitchen table, as long as you have an Internet connection! The entire program is completely digital so you can access it from anywhere, at anytime through our private course portal.

And you'll never miss a beat: you can go at your own pace and do the lessons on your schedule. All trainings and calls are recorded for your convenience and you get 6 months of access to the coaching and unlimited access to the materials.

There has never been a better time to get all your ducks in a row so you’re actually creating personal wealth, not just building a business.

There has never been a better time to get all your ducks in a row so you’re actually creating personal wealth, not just building a business.

Why not start today instead of waiting another 3 months to a year for things to change?

This is your time.

I don’t believe you’re reading this by coincidence.

You’ve leveled up in your business to increase revenue.

Now it is time to level up by making that revenue work for you.

Starting now will allow you to:

  • Grow your nest egg faster

  • Get off the hustle and grind cycle sooner

  • Build your generational legacy easier

Waiting to start can keep you stuck:

  • Living paycheck to paycheck (if you’re paying yourself at all)

  • Being rich in revenue but poor in generational wealth

  • Feeling shame and guilt about money

The sooner you get the support you need, the sooner you’ll be able to really experience (in life, not just on paper!) the financial abundance you’ve been working towards.

Three months from now you’ll wish you would have started today!

How do I know if I’m ready to start this program?

If even one tiny piece of you is vibing with what you’ve read thus far, I encourage you to apply. I carefully review every application and if I feel that the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint is not a good fit for you, I won’t extend an offer to join. Instead, I will refer you to the right resources based on your current needs. That being said, if you’re still not sure here’s a few guidelines.

This is for you if …

  • You make at least $150k in your business yearly

  • You want to steward and grow your money beyond business revenue but you have questions about HOW to do that

  • You are committed to your success in all areas of life

  • You want to feel empowered with your finances and believe there’s a better way than depriving yourself to wealth

This is not for you if …

  • You are struggling to pay your bills

  • You’re looking to get rich quick

  • You give up at the first sign of resistance or difficulty

  • You’re totally satisfied with your current financial situation

This is for you if …

  • You make at least $150k in your business yearly

  • You want to steward and grow your money beyond business revenue but you have questions about HOW to do that

  • You are committed to your success in all areas of life

  • You want to feel empowered with your finances and believe there’s a better way than depriving yourself to wealth

This is not for you if …

  • You are struggling to pay your bills

  • You’re looking to get rich quick

  • You give up at the first sign of resistance or difficulty

  • You’re totally satisfied with your current financial situation

Apply now to get an exclusive 1:1 behind-the-scenes tour of the program and personalized wealth game plan.

You want to take the cash you’ve worked so hard to generate in your business and leverage it to build financial wealth and freedom so you can make the life of your dreams … the life of your reality.

  • Knowing exactly the type of lifestyle you want and how much to fund it

  • Feeling excitement, not dread, when logging into your business and personal bank accounts

  • Never having FOMO about the shiny new investment strategy of the day or fear of getting scammed

  • Understanding financial terms like the boss you are without feeling like a fraud

  • Having the confidence that you can create any reality you desire

  • Being the example in your family, among your friends and in your community that regardless of your background/age/gender/race/etc, wealth and fulfillment are available to everyone

  • Taking that big vacation without it following you back home

  • Writing tithe and donation checks that equal what you used to make per month

  • Hiring the next team member to expand your business without sacrificing your paycheck

  • Speaking of … actually receiving regular paychecks from your business!

  • And more!

You want to take the cash you’ve worked so hard to generate in your business and leverage it to build financial wealth and freedom so you can make the life of your dreams … the life of your reality.

  • Knowing exactly the type of lifestyle you want and how much to fund it

  • Feeling excitement, not dread, when logging into your business and personal bank accounts

  • Never having FOMO about the shiny new investment strategy of the day or fear of getting scammed

  • Understanding financial terms like the boss you are without feeling like a fraud

  • Having the confidence that you can create any reality you desire

  • Being the example in your family, among your friends and in your community that regardless of your background/age/gender/race/etc, wealth and fulfillment are available to everyone

  • Taking that big vacation without it following you back home

  • Writing tithe and donation checks that equal what you used to make per month

  • Hiring the next team member to expand your business without sacrificing your paycheck

  • Speaking of … actually receiving regular paychecks from your business!

  • And more!

You’ve got two choices here …


You can continue down the road/path you’re on and maybe … just maybe… figure this all out on your own and spend time and effort, with the chance of nothing changing at all besides roadblocks and a longer to-do list


You could team up with me and allow me to give you the proven blueprint to success with your finances … and skip over the time lost, money lost, and potential failure on the journey alone …


You can continue down the road/path you’re on and maybe … just maybe… figure this all out on your own and spend time and effort, with the chance of nothing changing at all besides roadblocks and a longer to-do list


You could team up with us and allow us to give you the proven blueprint to success with your finances … and skip over the time lost, money lost, and potential failure on the journey alone …

Think about where you want to be with your money three months from now. Heck, think of where you want to be just three WEEKS from now. Do you have a step-by-step plan on how to get there?

If you’re ready to build the financial foundation to achieve the pictures on your dream board and start growing your net worth, building generational wealth and living a life of fulfillment then The Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint is going to be the private coaching experience that changes everything for you.

Your success story starts right now.


You can do this...

Even if you are busy, bad with money, or streamlining expenses.

I don’t have the time

Setting aside pockets of time around building your wealth system is definitely a necessity. However, it simply requires an adjustment of priorities to set yourself up for success in the long run. Besides, when WILL a good time be to build legacy-level, long-term wealth?

I’m not good with money

I break my entire system down into bite-size chunks to implement. If you can open an internet browser (which you did to read this), you can manage the steps in this program. I made it easy to understand, easy to implement, and easy to maintain.

I didn’t budget for this

I applaud and honor your budget but if your budget doesn’t allow for unplanned opportunities that will improve your entire financial situation, then this is the exact reason you’d be wise to join me. If growing your wealth is REALLY a goal you want to accomplish, how can you afford to not jump in and start seeing results?

I don’t have the time

Setting aside pockets of time around building your wealth system is definitely a necessity. However, it simply requires an adjustment of priorities to set yourself up for success in the long run. Besides, when WILL a good time be to build legacy-level, long-term wealth?

I’m not good with money

I break my entire system down into bite-size chunks to implement. If you can open an internet browser (which you did to read this), you can manage the steps in this program. I made it easy to understand, easy to implement, and easy to maintain.

I didn’t budget for this

I applaud and honor your budget but if your budget doesn’t allow for unplanned opportunities that will improve your entire financial situation, then this is the exact reason you’d be wise to join us. If growing your wealth is REALLY a goal you want to accomplish, how can you afford to not jump in and start seeing results?

Build wealth in a calming and empowering environment..

Have Questions?

I Have Answers!

Do I get support, community or

1 on 1 access to you?

YES! This is a private 1-to-1 coaching experience. You have access to me during our bi-weekly coaching calls in addition to the unlimited Voxer and email access during the duration of the program. You will never be on this transformational journey alone.

"I'm not ready, because I

don't have _____ yet."

The Wealthy and Fulfilled™™ Blueprint is application-only because I don’t allow anyone into this private coaching experience that I don’t 100% fully believe will benefit from my program. Go ahead and apply and trust me, we’ll let you know if this is not the right program or timing for you.

"What if I’m not sure if this

is going to work for me?"

Only you can make the best possible decision for you and your situation. I have included everything needed for you to succeed in the program - mindset work, templates, private feedback, bi-weekly calls, and more. All you have to do is show up, be teachable, implement, and the transformation will follow. However, I can’t do the work for you. I mapped out the path, gassed up the car, packed the snacks and made the playlist, but you have to drive the car.

Shouldn’t I just hire a financial

advisor/wealth manager?

The beauty of the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint is that you can get massive value in the program without having your own financial advisor.

After getting a peek behind the scenes of the financial advisor world, I can tell you that the chances of you getting bi-weekly support is slim to none, most don’t understand our unique business model as coaches, consultants, course creators and service providers and fees are one of the biggest factors that will eat into your nest egg over the long-run. And finding a financial advisor that can go into the energetics and intersectionality of healing your money stuff is like finding a unicorn.

However, choosing to work with a financial advisor is a personal decision and I can even show you how to properly find, interview and hire one for your financial team (for those of you planning to move into the $1M+ range in business) during our time together.

You’ll be supported through our weekly group coaching sessions and our private Facebook™ community where you’ll be able to ask questions and get feedback anytime you need it. In addition, every week you will have the opportunity to submit anything you create inside the program and get individual, private, pre-recorded feedback on it.

The beauty of the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint is that you can get massive value in the program without having your own financial advisor.

After getting a peek behind the scenes of the financial advisor world, I can tell you that the chances of you getting weekly support is slim to none, most don’t understand our unique business model as coaches, consultants, course creators and service providers and fees are one of the biggest factors that will eat into your nest egg over the long-run. And finding a financial advisor that can go into the energetics and intersectionality of healing your money stuff is like finding a unicorn

However, choosing to work with a financial advisor is a personal decision and we even show you how to properly find, interview and hire one for your financial team (for those of you planning to move into the $1M+ range in business) in the program.

The Wealthy and Fulfilled™™ Blueprint is application-only because I don’t allow anyone into the group that I don’t 100% fully believe will benefit from our program. Go ahead and apply and trust me, we’ll let you know if this is not the right program or timing for you.

Only you can make the best possible decision for you and your situation. I have included everything needed for you to succeed in the program - mindset work, templates, easily digestible trainings, private feedback, weekly calls, and more. All you have to do is show up, be teachable, implement, and the transformation will follow. However, we can’t do the work for you. We mapped out the path, gassed up the car, packed the snacks and made the playlist, but you have to drive the car.

Apply to the one-of-a-kind Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint with Dr. Portia R. Jackson, CFP®

The Private Wealth Coaching Experience For Six-Figure Coaches, Consultants, Course Creators and 1:1 Service Providers looking to take control of their cash flow, build generational wealth, and live their version of a fulfilled life.

Together, we will build your financial legacy with a custom financial life blueprint built uniquely for you. Fill out the application below to get started. Please answer the below questions in as much detail as possible so that we can see if you're a good fit for the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint.

The investment is $2000 per month with a 3 month minimum.

As a Wealth Coach and Founder of Wealthy and Fulfilled™, Dr. Portia R. Jackson, CFP® teaches online entrepreneurs how to take the money their business makes and use it to fund their fulfilled life by combining the power of the Enneagram, personal financial planning, lifestyle design and mindset and manifestation practices.

She believes that when online business owners are financially free, they can redirect that energy to fulfilling their God-given purpose. She also believes that the path to wealth does not have to include deprivation. Portia’s journey of teaching financial small groups for her church and sorority led her to obtain her CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional designation, become a financial wellness coach for Fortune 500 companies and wealth coach for online entrepreneurs. Her calling to teach financial and lifestyle freedom drives her passion for helping others create a fulfilling life of abundance and it fuels topics of discussion on her soon to be released podcast, The Wealthy and Fulfilled Podcast.

Portia has been featured in Working Mother, Black Enterprise, VoyageLA, EO Fire and has appeared on numerous podcasts and stages across America.

Let me show you how to build legacy-level, long-term wealth in the Wealthy and Fulfilled™ Blueprint

Apply now to get an exclusive 1:1 behind-the-scenes tour of the program and personalized wealth game plan.

Create financial relief

like Tony and Delicia:

"Working with Portia to help us get our finances together has been such a relief. "

She is so relatable and non-judgmental when it comes to money and really helped us work through how we even talk about money with each other. Portia and her work are amazing.


Have any questions about transforming your business profits into a Wealthy and Fulfilled™ life? Drop me a line, I'm here to help!


When you purchase our product, you understand that there is no guarantee that you will achieve any particular result or outcome using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented. We make no promises or warranties concerning your likelihood of success, performance, future earnings, business profits, financial increase or results of any kind. You understand that with any financial endeavor there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.


© 2022 Wealthy and Fulfilled by Portia R. Jackson, CFP®. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy. Terms & Conditions.